Ships in 1-2 business days | Based in England | Est. 1937
A spray-on waterproofing treatment designed to protect all outdoor gear
Nothing takes the fun out of being outdoors like getting wet. Over time and with use, even the best outdoor gear will begin to lose its ability to repel water. This is because dirt, dust, and other impurities, as well as general wear, will remove any water-repellent finish your gear may have been treated with. Cleaning your gear can help but, eventually, it will need reproofing with a water-repellent product.
Fortunately, Grangers® Tent + Gear Repel UV can help. By restoring the water-repellent finish to your outdoor gear and equipment, you’ll be completely protected in even the wettest conditions. This product will also help to protect against stains, prolonging the life of all outdoor gear. This spray-on waterproofing treatment is suitable for use on all outdoor gear and equipment.
Size: 16.9 fl oz | 500ml
Materials: 100% recycled bottle, PFC/PFAS-Free Formulation
Made in England
***Discounts are not available on Grangers products
How to Use: Ensure the fabric to be treated is free from surface dirt (use Tent + Gear Cleaner for optimal results). Tents should be laid flat or fully set up before application. Protect surrounding areas if required. Tent + Gear Repel UV works best on damp or wet fabric. Wash, spray, or otherwise wet the fabric before application. Shake bottle and spray evenly from a distance of approximately 6" | 15cm. Wait 2-3 minutes before removing any excess with a damp sponge or cloth. Allow fabric to dry naturally before use. Do not pack tents away until completely dry.